Friday, November 25, 2011

The Vase

There I was, wandering aimlessly in the country fair. Objects of beauty were galore inviting the attention of the connoisseurs. The exotic ones, the painted ones, the rustic ones - the list was endless. A sudden exhilaration filled my heart as I drew near a display of vases. Someone.... or something was appealing to my soul. I looked around, in vain at first, to find the source of this magnetic attraction. I had almost given up, when my eyes fell upon this green vase in the dusty corner and the strange feeling of joy started filling me again. An inexplicable sense of elation. My heart said, this vase has seen days of glory, yet fate has relegated it to the back stage.

I asked the shopkeeper "Can I have this one, please?". Guffawed the old man "What did you see in this?"
I could not tell him, for even I did not have words to explain... But an inner voice said, this vase will brighten up my life and relieve me of all pain.

Thus returned the Vase with me to my humble abode. Many a rainy evening were spent in solitude with the vase keeping me company. A new bunch of flowers found their place every day in the Vase. The Vase lent its beauty to the flowers and in turn, looked stunning in a traditional ensemble! And all my worries vanished into thin air when I was in it's company!

Then one sad day, with a gloomy mind, I sought solace with my companion. Strangely I perceived some imperfection, an indifference, a missing warmth. My hands shook as I lifted the Vase, there was a pain in the abyss of my heart. Absorbed in my emotions, I let the vase fall to the ground!!!!

There it lie, its beauty reflecting in thousand pieces, a victim of a careless heart...

Would there be any other to fill the void? NO!! The pedestal where it stood shall remain unoccupied. And needless to say, the pieces have been carefully gathered, with a HOPE that someday I would find the right magic to bring the Vase back to being and it will occupy the most prominent portion of my home and life again!

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