Friday, June 8, 2012

Bridged divide

We may live far away, thinking it is destiny's boon
To be aloof; each one in his warm, snug cosy cocoon ....
But fond hearts shall find ways and means to greet and meet
We shall willingly, eagerly, run to mingle with speeding, unfaltering feet ...

Your ivory tower I have intruded into today
My island will no longer be floating thousands of miles away
Technology has solved our worries n has solutions
All we need now are brave hearts n strong resolutions

We shall hear.. we will see.. we will hang out in cyber space
Lets allow this world to run at its own frantic mad pace
We will together discuss, think, feel and boldly race
Ahead it good or bad every day we chose to embrace
Life and its daily events with a happy face!
For tomorrow we both shall be gone .. leaving behind no trace!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Silent bells of desolateness

The early dawn mists swirl in silently among the old lonely trees...
Kissing the ground, the tea leaves, bushes and tall teaks

Just as the shroud of sadness brings these tears...
Prickling at the back of my eyes now slowly roll down my cheeks!

The red flowers adorn the bushes with many a loud trace...
Like vermilion markings wiped off on a sorrowful face

They look like bells in a deserted place of worship.... 
Long having ceased chiming those happy songs n prayers!!

They give no clues, ask no questions, offer no favours... 
Having given up hope, silently succumbing to the onslaught of silence

The only colour in a landscape of solitary desolateness apart from the bright tender green rows of bushes...
at an unearthly hour they cheer the traveller who walked along these refreshing paths

In their midst to capture their charm n brightness to keep as a memory in his heart of that cold morning...
When he spied the blooms and paused to ponder about his being there with them and wonder at their frail existence!!

Life's fog

Fogs like these often cloud my heart and mind..
When life and people are to me, more than a little unkind

Patiently I wait for the sun to scatter those mists 
Brace myself for those inevitable destiny's trysts !

Darkness and pain may shroud vision sometime
But surely the light will dawn ...soon and sublime...!

The Yearning....

Many little things often seem to wither inside of me each day... 
Numerous feelings just seem to choke but they suddenly go away!

My heart aches for that elusive love I wasn't destined to get...
My stomach churns for the trying times I can't ever forget

Promises made n broken like glass; time flies, my heart cries...
Alone I live but every day something in me somehow just dies !!

Trying to find my love, I have lost myself in yearning...
Cry as I might I can't get over this loss and mourning! 

For all the things I have missed in life, the days just whizz past; they fly by...
I have lost n found a whole new world in trying to find an answer..why??? 

I have finally found my own little piece of deep blue sky....
Alas! We mourn for those big things; we wait n sigh....
But many priceless moments come and go unnoticed ... before we die